Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Film. "Losing It"

"Losing It" is one of the first short films Ken and I created, so how fitting is it that it has a nutrition theme!

About: It's a story that hits a little close to home about a girl who is obsessed about what she eats and how much she exercises. It's that obsessiveness that leads to highs and lows and a yearning to achieve balance in life again.

Nutrition Takeaway: The character's fatal flaw is that she fails to see that it's the sudden changes of extreme highs and lows in her diet that will send the body into a reactionary mode of storing fat.

On the other hand, moderate changes in diet and exercise, will lead the body to a stage were it is able to successfully lose body fat gradually as time goes on. Also, it will make it a lot easier to maintain the changes for longer until they become a habit.

Moderation is key here, so go ahead and have that ice cream, but make that a child's scoop.

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